Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


Pornography and porno-action action in Indonesia is very alarming. This has hurt the morale of the nation. However, still rejected the bill in part the APP by inhibiting freedom of expression grounds. It is ironic, as a nation that still adhere to moral values, requires flexibility in pornography and porno-action action. Developed countries like the United States was very concerned with the exploitation of this pornography.
How should the Indonesian government set about pornography and porno-action? How far the Anti Pornography is needed? To discuss further about the need for regulation of pornography, CMM team interviewed Dr Ibn Hamad, communications expert who is also a professor of the graduate program of University of Indonesia (UI) and the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Petikannya:
Lately in line with the pros and cons RUU APP, the problem of pornography and porno-action a lot of debate, how do you comment?
Something positive from the pros and cons that are related to APP his bill, not on his pornography and porno-action. We both know, in the midst of the people there who agree with Bill APP and some do not agree with the Anti Pornography Bill because it is considered not sufficient to regulate pornography and porno-action. But, I see that the pros and cons of the bill APP did not agree with pornography and porno-action. So the substance was the same. This is what we should be thankful for.
It seems so. But mainly the cons think the bill that would inhibit freedom of APP expression. Is it really so?
Very narrow way of thinking. Is it synonymous with freedom of expression pornography and porno-action? What is less attractive if the expression is not accompanied by sexual exploitation? Is not freedom of expression that maintain decorum also remain interested if the fruits of his work is quality?
As a comparison, such as whether pornography and porno-action activities in the U.S. is very popular with the freedom of expression is that? Are there no restrictions on the activities of pornography?
U.S. society itself is basically concerned with the exploitation of this pornography. That is reflected in the many studies on the impact of pornography. One clinical trial conducted Victor B. Cline, published in the magazine World & I, December 1992 which showed that access to pornography that eskalatif impact. When someone like accessing pornography, then he will addicted to seeing them again and again so as to give effect habit or habit. Furthermore, if he was used to access pornography eat he will seek to access them more business again in the form of the type and time of access. It's called escalation.
Then for those already addicted and constantly increase its business in accessing pornography then he would suffer psychiatric condition called desensitization, which is a shame to lose the social interaction with them in terms of sex. If you have lost a sense of embarrassment in social interaction with regard to sex, has great potential for engaging in sex with other people whether it be with friends, relatives, or prostitutes.
Another study by Jane Brown of the University of North Carolina, also show the same thing. That access to pornographic media give a significant influence on sex behavior, especially among teenagers. According to Brown, that many teenagers accessing sexual treat from the media tends to do free sex activity is higher than that fewer teenagers see the exploitation of sex. .
Generally, these studies also show the influence of pornography on free sex, that is pregnant out of wedlock, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases. For such problems, the United States is a country with ten times higher than other developed countries.
Apparently on the basis of facts like that then the U.S. government issued a law Child Obscenity and pornography Prevention Act of 2002 which intends to protect children from pornography disorders. This means that there is freedom of expression its limits, even in a country known for a liberal like the U.S..
But does not it does not completely eliminate pornography in the U.S.. Even in certain things like no freedom as no rules "only to the age of 18 years and over"?
It must be remembered that the Child Obscenity and pornography Prevention Act of 2002 not to ban pornography at all, but to protect children from the dangers of pornography, including child pornography or child pornography. And that's caused a pro-contra.
In the West, under 18 it is considered still children or adolescents. Immature. While that has been aged 18 are considered adults and can be assumed to be responsible. So that is allowed to access pornography. Again there was awareness of the legal community is relatively better.
How does the RUU APP, whether it should be banned altogether or are protective or still providing opportunities for those who are age 18 or over?
Indonesia is not the West. There is no guarantee if pornography is intended for age 18 is not consumed by children and adolescents. Legal consciousness of our society is still weak. Because it should pornography be prohibited, except as may be necessary in ethics and law, such as for scientific purposes. Let the adults who had had access to the internet only. Even then, if possible, the government set out the circulation of pornography on the internet by blocking porn sites from space of the Republic of Indonesia.

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