Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011



Koperasi adalah merupakan singkatan dari kata ko / co dan operasi / operation. Koperasi adalah suatu kumpulan orang-orang untuk bekerja sama demi kesejahteraan bersama. Berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 1967, koperasi indonesia adalah organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial dan beranggotakan orang-orang, badan-badan hukum koperasi yang merupakan tata susunan ekonomi sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan.
Berikut di bawah ini adalah landasan koperasi indonesia yang melandasi aktifitas koperasi di indonesia.
- Landasan Idiil = Pancasila
- Landasan Mental = Setia kawan dan kesadaran diri sendiri
- Landasan Struktural dan gerak = UUD 1945 Pasal 33 Ayat 1
Landasan, Asas, dan Tujuan Koperasi Indonesia sebagaimana diatur dalam UU 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian, dijelaskan pada bab II dalam dua pasal. Landasan dan asas koperasi dijelaskan dalam pasal 2, dan tujuan koperasi dijelaskan dalam pasal 3.
Berikut kutipan bunyi lengkap pasal dimaksud.
Pasal 2
Koperasi berlandaskan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 atas asas kekeluargaan.
Pasal 3
Koperasi bertujuan memajukan kesejahteraan anggota pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya serta ikut membangun tatanan perkeonomian nasional dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju, adil, dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.


A. Fungsi Koperasi / Koprasi
1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi
B. Peran dan Tugas Koperasi / Koperasi
1. Meningkatkan tarah hidup sederhana masyarakat indonesia
2. Mengembangkan demokrasi ekonomi di indonesia
3. Mewujudkan pendapatan masyarakat yang adil dan merata dengan cara menyatukan, membina, dan mengembangkan setiap potensi yang ada

Ada dua jenis koperasi yang cukup dikenal luas oleh masyarakat, yakni KUD dan KSP. KUD (Koperasi Unit Desa) tumbuh dan berkembang subur pada masa pemerintahan orde baru. Sedangkan KSP (Koperasi Simpan Pinjam) tumbuh dan berkembang dalam era globalisasi saat ini. KUD dan KSP hanyalah contoh dari sekian jenis koperasi.
Koperasi Berdasarkan Jenis Usahanya
Secara umum, berdasar jenis usaha, koperasi terdiri atas Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP), Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU), Koperasi Konsumsi, dan Koperasi Produksi.
a. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP)
KSP adalah koperasi yang memiliki usaha tunggal yaitu menampung simpanan anggota dan melayani peminjaman. Anggota yang menabung (menyimpan) akan mendapatkan imbalan jasa dan bagi peminjam dikenakan jasa. Besarnya jasa bagi penabung dan peminjam ditentukan melalui rapat anggota. Dari sinilah, kegiatan usaha koperasi dapat dikatakan “dari, oleh, dan untuk anggota.”
b. Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU)
KSU adalah koperasi yang bidang usahanya bermacam-macam. Misalnya, unit usaha simpan pinjam, unit pertokoan untuk melayani kebutuhan sehari-hari anggota juga masyarakat, unit produksi, unit wartel.
c. Koperasi Konsumsi
Koperasi konsumsi adalah koperasi yang bidang usahanya menyediakan kebutuhan sehari-hari anggota. Kebutuhan yang dimaksud misalnya kebutuhan bahan makanan, pakaian, perabot rumah tangga.
d. Koperasi Produksi
Koperasi produksi adalah koperasi yang bidang usahanya membuat barang (memproduksi) dan menjual secara bersama-sama. Anggota koperasi ini pada umumnya sudah memiliki usaha dan melalui koperasi para anggota mendapatkan bantuan modal dan pemasaran.
Koperasi Berdasarkan Keanggotaannya
a. Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD)
Koperasi Unit Desa adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan masyarakat pedesaan.. Koperasi ini melakukan kegiatan usaha ekonomi pedesaan, terutama pertanian. Untuk itu, kegiatan yang dilakukan KUD antara lain menyediakan pupuk, obat pemberantas hama tanaman, benih, alat pertanian, dan memberi penyuluhan teknis pertanian.
b. Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI)
Koperasi ini beranggotakan para pegawai negeri. Sebelum KPRI, koperasi ini bernama Koperasi Pegawai Negeri (KPN). KPRI bertujuan terutama meningkatkan kesejateraan para pegawai negeri (anggota). KPRI dapat didirikan di lingkup departemen atau instansi.
c. Koperasi Sekolah
Koperasi Sekolah meiliki anggota dari warga sekolah, yaitu guru, karyawan, dan siswa. Koperasi sekolah memiliki kegiatan usaha menyediakan kebutuhan warga sekolah, seperti buku pelajaran, alat tulis, makanan, dan lain-lain. Keberadaan koperasi sekolah bukan semata-mata sebagai kegiatan ekonomi, melainkan sebagai media pendidikan bagi siswa antara lain berorganisasi, kepemimpinan, tanggung jawab, dan kejujuran.


Dari hasil kajian empiris yang dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, studi literatur
dan pengumpulan pendapat ahli, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pprospek koperasi
dilihat dari perspektif ilmu manajemen bisnis sesuai dengan enam pertanyaan
penelitian yang diajukan adalah sebagai berikut:
(1) Dari disiplin ilmu manajemen bisnis, perubahan lingkungan bisnis
global mendorong organisasi bisnis untuk menerapkan disiplin ilmu
manajemen modern yang mendorong reformulasi tujuan, reformulasi
strategi, restrukturisasi, dan realokasi sumber daya organisasi kearah
yang lebih inovatif untuk menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif di
pasar. Dilihat dari perspektif ini praktek manajemen yang ada di
koperasi saat ini sudah jauh tertinggal dan menjadi tidak relevan
dengan tuntutan perubahan.
(2) Koperasi Indonesia tidak berkembang disebabkan oleh kelemahan
proses manajemen yang fundamental terletak pada proses
perencanaan yang tidak menggunakan kaidah kaidah perencanaan
yang baik dan benar. Sebagian besar koperasi hanya berorientasi
jangka pendek yang sempit, belum mampu menyusun rencana jangka
panjang untuk mengantisipasi perubahan lingkungan bisnis, secara
simultan mempengaruhi proses pengorganisasian, dan pengendalian.
Kondisi ini menyebabkan bisnis koperasi kebanyakan gagal
memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang lebih baik bagi para anggotanya
dibandingkan dengan badan usaha lainnya (non koperasi), usaha
koperasi bayak yang tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan anggotanya,
koperasi hanya menjalankan fungsi dagang, tidak menciptakan nilai
tambah, dikelola dengan tidak efisien.
(3) Kondisi masyarakat indonesia dewasa ini sudah semakin realistik dan
rasional akan mencari kelembagaan ekonomi yang mampu
memberikan manfaat ekonomi dan sosial lebih baik. Melihat kondisi
yang ada, dimana pada umumnya koperasi tidak mampu memberikan
manfaat kepada anggotanya, dipastikan tidak memiliki prospek
untuk berkembang. Hanya beberapa jenis koperasi seperti koperasi
simpan pinjam, koperasi kredit dan koperasi peternakan dalam
beberapa tahun ke depan akan bertahan hidup.
(4) Proses pengembangan koperasi baik di tataran mikro (koperasi
sebagai entitas bisnis) maupun makro (kebijakan pemerintah) belum
sepenuhnya sejalan dengan teori manajemen bisnis. Hanya sedikit
koperasi Indonesia yang menerapkan teori manajemen bisnis dengan
baik terbukti usahanya berkembang dan memiliki daya tahan
terhadap tekanan persaingan. Koperasi yang dimaksud pada
umumnya adalah koperasi simpan pinjam (singgle purpose) dan
koperasi peternakan (singgle commodity multi purpose). Dari sudut
kebijakan makro, berkembangnya bisnis simpan pinjam koperasi
tidak terlepas dari ketatnya regulasi dan pembinaan pemerintah
melalui penilaian kesehatan, dan standarisasi sistim pengelolaan.
(5) Untuk sementara koperasi sudah mulai ditinggalkan masyarakat
karena koperasi tidak mampu menghantarkan nilai dan manfaat
ekonomi yang lebih baik bagi anggota dan masyarakat pada
umumnya. .

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


    There are two forms of "voice" in English, active voice and passive voice. 

Active voice shows what is done by the subject, for example:

     * The secretary wrote a letter (the Secretary write a letter)

Passive voice shows what was done to the subject. Example:

     * The letter was written by the secretary (Letters written by sekreatir) 

Passive sentence is made with the verb "to be" and the verb form of the 3rd. Here are some of the English tenses used in the passive voice.

Simple present:
Present continuous:
Simple past:
Past continuous:
Present perfect:
Past perfect:
Future continuous:
Present conditional:
Past conditional:
Verb “to be”
are being
were being
have been
had been
will be
will be being
would be
would have been
Verb III
planted every year
planted now.
planted last year
planted last summer.
planted here for 10 years.
planted until last year.
planted next year.
planted during the summer.
planted if we had seeds.
planted if we had had seeds.


To say what causes a passive action, we can use the by. Example:

     * This photo was taken by my friend.
     * I was given this by my brother.

Often not required to declare the cause of action passive, especially if clearly understood or irrelevant. For example:

     * The meeting was canceled (the meeting was canceled). (Important information to be conveyed is the cancellation of the meeting, not who is to cancel it.)

     * These boots were the resource persons made ​​in Italy (shoe-boots are made ​​in Italy). (The information is important in this sentence is that the shoes were made in Italy, not who makes it).


When talking about the birth of a particular person or an event, we use the passive voice "to be born". Example:

     * I was born in Iran.
     * The twins were the resource persons born just last year.


Get can be used instead to be in a situation where something happens. Example:

- Our flight got canceled = Our flight was canceled.
- I got paid today = I was paid today.

Get can not be used in public situations and, where together with verbs that express a state (not action). Example:

- He is liked by a lot of people. - True
- He gets liked by a lot of people. - Not true
- She is known to be a hard-working employee. - True
- She gets known to be a hard-working employee .- Incorrect

Get used more frequently in informal English.


      Comparison Degree atau Tingkat Perbandingan merupakan cara mengungkapkan kalimat untuk membandingkan sesuatu dengan yang lain. Perhatikan tabel berikut:

Susan is as tall as Fitri.
= Susan-high-Fitr.

Jakarta is hotter Than Bandung.
= Jakarta hotter than Bandung.

The house is The Biggest in our neighborhood.
= The house was the biggest in our environment.

For tribes adjectives-more than one word, not its comparative level added with-er Than, but begins more followed by the adjective.

While the level of superlative adjectives tribes for more than one-word, beginning with the most, followed by the adjective.

Consider the following sentence:

Lucy is the most beautiful girl in our school.
= Lucy the most beautiful girl in our school.

Tiger is the most dangerous animal in the world.
= Tiger is the most dangerous animal in the world.



   Conditional (sentence presupposition) explains that an activity contrary to other activities. The most common conditional is Real and Unreal Conditonal Conditonal, sometimes also called if-clauses.

Real Conditional (often also called the conditional Type I) which described the assume-if in accordance with the facts.

Unreal Conditional (often also referred to as Conditional Type II) which describes the supposition that no real or imaginative.

There is also conditional that the 3rd which is often referred to as Conditional Type III, is used as a regret that happened in the past and the zero conditional, used to express something that is definitely true.

Note: If the clause "if " is placed at the beginning of a sentence, we must use a comma. Conversely, if the clause "if " is behind, then there should be no comma
Zero Conditional

Used to express general truths. Used Tense Simple Present Tense usually

(IF Clause)

(Parent Sentence)

If you heat water to 100C,

it boils.


(Parent Sentence)

(IF Clause)

Water boils

if you heat it to 100C,


     * If you drop an apple, it falls. = An apple falls, if you drop it.
     * If you do not do your homework, I will from be disappointed. = I will from be disappointed, if you do not do your homework.

Note: In this type, if often replaced with "Pls"



     See The Sentence for definitions of sentence, clause, and dependent clause.
A sentence which contains just one clause is called a simple sentence.
A sentence which contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence. (Dependent clauses are also called subordinate clauses.)
There are three basic types of dependent clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. (Adjective clauses are also called relative clauses.)
This page contains information about noun clauses. Also see Adjective Clauses and Adverb Clauses.

A. Noun clauses perform the same functions in sentences that nouns do:
A noun clause can be a subject of a verb:
What Billy did shocked his friends.
A noun clause can be an object of a verb:
Billy’s friends didn’t know that he couldn’t swim.
A noun clause can be a subject complement:
Billy’s mistake was that he refused to take lessons.
A noun clause can be an object of a preposition:
Mary is not responsible for what Billy did.
A noun clause (but not a noun) can be an adjective complement:
Everybody is sad that Billy drowned.


Gerund is a noun derived from the verb plus-ing, for example swimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, and singing. When observed, gerund has the same form with a present participle, gerund difference serves as a noun, while the present participle as an adjective describing the noun.

In a sentence, the gerund function as:
a. subject (subject)
b. complement subject (subjective complement)
c. direct object (direct object)
d. preposition object (object of preposition)
e. apposition (appositive)

Gerund as the principal subject of the sentence, for example:
- Swimming is good service.
- Your singing is very beautiful.
- Studying needs time and patience.
- Playing tennis is fun.
- Reading Home is Easier Than speaking it.

Subjective complement
Gerund as a complement to the subject in a sentence will usually be preceded to be located between the subject and subjective complement, for example:
- My favorite sport is running.
- My favorite activity is reading.

Direct Object
Gerund as the direct object in sentences, for example:
- I enjoy dancing.
- She likes dancing.
- Thank you for your coming.
- I hate arguing.

Object of Preposition
Gerund as an object of the preposition which is located after the preposition. Preposition is often used is of, on, no, with, without, at for, after, before, Because of, to, like, about, for, by, ins.
- He is Tired of gambling.
- I am fond of eating meatballs.
- He insisted on seeing her.
- I have no objection to hearing your story.
- You will of notes be clever without studying.
- They are good at telling funny stories.
- In sleeping I met you in the park.

Gerund as apposition or affirming the sentence, for example:
- My hobbies, fishing, is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.
My hobby is fishing and fishing is interesting is placed adjacent in a sentence as an appositive (fishing is the apposition of my hobbies), as well as example sentences below.



We use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something which is
happening at the time of speaking.
Example :Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying
The adverbs of time used in Present Continous tense are “NOW, RIGHT NOW,
The patterns of Present continous tense consist of : 
1.3.A. Positive Pattern 
Examples :
1. I am studying English now.
2. We are going to Jakarta tomorrow (akan)
3. You are singing now.
4. He is making a cake now.
5. she is sewing a shirt now
 2.1. The Use of Simple Past Tense
We use the past simple to talk about actions or situations in the past.
2.2. The Adverbs of time used
The adverbs of time used in this tense are Yesterday, last….., a week ago, this morning , last night, yesterday morning, yesterweek, yestermonth, yesteryear, etc.
2.3. The Patterns of Simple Past Tense 
Examples :
1. John saw a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We studied English here last week.
3. They played football in the field yesteryear
We often usew ill in this situation:
Offering to do something:
e.g. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help with it.
Agreeing and refusing to do something:
e.g. I’ve asked john to help me but he won’t
Promising to do something.
e.g. I will come to your house tonight. I promise.
Asking someone to do something.
Will you close the window,please! 
Present Tense is used to talk about something in general. And it is also used to talk
about something which is happened repeatedly or habituallly activities.
e.g. + The earth goes round the sun
- The earth doesn’t go round the sun
? Does the earth go round the sun ?
We use past continuous Tense to say that someone was in the middle of doing
something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this
time but hadn’t finished:
This time last year I was living in Brazil
We often use the past continuous Tense and the past simple together to say that
something happened in the middle of something else:
When I was working in the garden, I hurt my back
We often use the present perfect Tense to give new information or to announce
recent happening:
e.g. Do you know about Mary ? She’s gone to Jakarta. 
We use the Past perfect to say that something had already happened before this
time :
Example :
- When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home
- When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had
stolen my fur coat.
- George didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because he had already
seen the film twice.
- It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn’t
flown before

S + have/has + been + verb 4…………etc S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + verb 4……etc Have/has + S + been + verb 4……….etc ? QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4…etc ?
Example :
-Pelajar pelajartengah menyanyi sejak pagi ini
+ The students have been singing since this morning
- The students haven’t been singing since this morning
? Have the students been singing since this morning ?
S + had been + verb 4…………when S + V2
S + hadn’t been + Verb 4……… when S + V2
Had + S + been + verb 4…………
QW + had + S + been + verb 4……… when S + V2 ?
when S + V2 ?
Example :
-Merekatengah mengerjakan PR ketika saya datang kemarin
+ They had been doing the homework when I came yesterday
- They hadn’t been doing the homework when I came yesterday
? Had they been doing the homework when I came yesterday ?

S + will be + Verb 4 + O + at…………..o’clock
S + won’t be + Verb 4 + O + at………..o’clock
Will + S + be + Verb 4 + O + at……….o’clock ?
QW + will + S + be +Verb 4…………o’clock ?
Example :
-Kamu sedang akan pergi ke sekolah pukul 7 besok pagi
+ You will be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
- You won’t be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
? Will you be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning ?
S + will have + verb 3 + ……….by the end……
S + won’t have + Verb 3 + ………..by the end….
Will + S + have + Verb 3 + ………by the end…. ?
QW + will + S + have +Verb 3 +…………by the end… ?
Example :
-Kita sudah akan tiba di Jakarta besok sore.
+ We will have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
- We won’t have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
? Will we have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ?

S + will have been + verb 4………since……….
S + won’t have been + verb 4…….since……….
Will + S + have been + verb 4……since……….?
QW + will + S + have been + verb 4….since…..?
Example :
-Mereka tengah akan belajarsejak pagi besok
+ They will have been studying since this morning
- They won’t have been studying since this morning
? Will they have been studying since this morning ?
S + would + V1…IF + S + verb 2………….etc
S + wouldn’t + verb 1….+ object…………..etc
Would + S + verb 1 ….+ object ……….…..etc ?
Example :
1. Saya akan datang ANDAIKATA kamu mengundang saya
I would come if you invited me
2. Tom akan melakukan perjalanan JIKAdia punya uang
Tom would travel if he had more money
S + would be + Verb 4……when S + verb 2……….etc
S + wouldn’t + be + verb 4….when S + verb 2………etc
Would + S + be + verb 4 ….. when S + verb 2……etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyamer eka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang
+ They would be going home when we came
- They wouldn’t be going home when we came
? Would they be going home when we came ?
S + would have + verb 3…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have + verb 3 ……object………..etc
Would + S + have + verb 3 …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Ia sudah akan menjadi presiden ANDAIKATA partainya menang dalam
pemilihan umum.
- He would have become a presiden if his party had won in general election  
S + would have + been + verb 4…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have been + verb 4…….object…………etc
Would + S + have been + verb 4.. …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyarapat tengah akan dimulai sejak pagi ANDAIKATA walikota
sudah datang tepat pada waktunya
- The meeting would have been starting since this morning if Mayor had come
on time.

The pat